Mobile Loaves & Fishes
Delivering more than a sandwich, Mobile Loaves & Fishes’ food Truck volunteers provide food, clothing, hygiene products and other life-sustaining items to our homeless neighbors. With the support of tens of thousands of volunteers and over 6.5 million meals served, Mobile Loaves & Fishes is the largest prepared feeding program to the homeless and working poor in Central Texas.
Opportunities for service:
- WUMC Teams: 3rd, 4th (and 5th) MONDAYS of every month
- Preparation Team manages food prep at the St. John Neumann
- Commissary 4 PM to 5 PM.
- Truck delivery team personally delivers to clients 5 PM to 7 PM
- Donations are always needed of seasonal appropriate clothing, shoe-ware and accessories
- 2nd Sunday of each month, 3:00pm
- 3rd Monday of each month, 4:00pm
- 4th Monday of each month, 4:00pm
A "truck team" travels to selected stops throughout the Austin area delivering meals and friendship to the homeless and working poor. WUMC staffs 3 routes each month.
For more information
Call Bob Batlan
p: 512-263-4177