Listed below are some of our upcoming and current events. Explore a full listing of our Sunday School classes and weekday small groups here.

View our full church calendar here.

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Westlake UMC is excited to promote the "Do Unto Others" initiative. This grassroots movement encourages intentional acts of kindness and fosters civility and respect, countering the polarization in our society.

Jesus taught us to treat others as we want to be treated, a principle known as The Golden Rule. This teaching, which appears in nearly every religion worldwide, has the power to unite us once more.

In anticipation of the November election cycle, our campaign will culminate in a five-week worship series starting in October. Get ready for the campaign by purchasing T-shirts and yard signs here. Let's come together and bring kindness and understanding to our community.

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Thank you so much to everyone who provided input in our Sunday School Hour survey. We had a great response, and it was wonderful to see the enthusiasm for our church family coming together as one body to grow in our faith. Based on the survey, 61.5% of respondents prefer the 9:45am Sunday School hour, while 38.5% prefer the 9:00am hour. With these results, we will proceed with holding Sunday School at 9:45am this summer.

Starting Sunday, June 9th, all Sunday School classes will take place at 9:45am, and worship will be at 11:00am.

If you are unsure where your class is meeting or want to explore joining a new class, please visit the Ministries Directory on our website for the latest class options and locations. While many Sunday School classes will continue...

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We're transitioning our pickleball scheduling from online sign-ups to open play! This allows you to drop in and play with others present at the time. Should there be more players than available courts, simply place your paddle on the table. After each game, the winning team remains but splits, and the next two players in line join in for the next game. We're removing the online sign-up feature, so feel free to come by on Wednesdays, anytime between 6 and 8PM to join in the fun.


See Our Full Calendar

The best place to view the calendar is through your WUMC Online account. To log in click the UMC Online button on the top of the page. It's easy to sign up if you don't have an account or use the calendar button below to see an overview of the calendar.