
Jesus hung out with the least, the last and the lost. We seek to follow him and his example of service to others. We welcome you to this faith community and encourage you to get involved in the many outreach opportunities available! We are called to invite Christ into our hearts, follow his way authentically, and extend his love to all we encounter. We go into the world to engage its brokenness and afflictions, extend a helping hand wherever we can, and invite others to join with us in a life-changing adventure.

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Any Baby Can is an organization who supports parents and children to achieve their best possible future – no matter the challenges ahead.

Westlake UMC has been a long-time supporter of ‘Any Baby Can’. The members of WUMC have an annual diaper drive and at Christmas, they help bring holiday cheer to children and their families through Any Baby Can’s “ Adopt-a Family”program.


Seeking to put God’s love into action, Austin Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build affordable Homes, Communities and Hope.

Westlake United Methodist Church has been involved with Habitat for Humanity for many, many years by building affordable homes along with other Methodist churches as well as with churches of other denominations. Homeowner partners work along with us to fulfill their “sweat” equity hours in order to qualify for a home.

There are several ways to support Austin Habitat; by making a gift donation, by donating items to their ReStore, or by picking up a hammer and joining the actual build.

We can always use another set of hands. NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE IS REQUIRED.

For more information and volunteer opportunities regarding Austin Habitat for Humanity please visit


Chariot (formerly Drive a Senior Central Texas) enriches lives and communities by providing transportation and socialization to non-driving senior, at no cost.

Volunteer drivers provide non-driving older adults free rides to places like doctor appointments, grocery stores and places of worship


Ronald Mc Donald House Please recycle the tabs from Aluminum cans ( soda, tuna, dog food, etc) you use.

Funds generated from the recycling of these tabs underwrite overnight stays for families of critically ill children hospitalized in Austin. A collection jar is in the narthex.

For more information : Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Texas


Delivering more than a sandwich, Mobile Loaves & Fishes’ food Truck volunteers provide food, clothing, hygiene products and other life-sustaining items to our homeless neighbors. With the support of tens of thousands of volunteers and over 6.5 million meals served, Mobile Loaves & Fishes is the largest prepared feeding program to the homeless and working poor in Central Texas.

Opportunities for service:

  • WUMC Teams: 3rd, 4th (and 5th) MONDAYS of every month
  • Preparation Team manages food prep at the St. John Neumann
  • Commissary 4 PM to 5 PM.
  • Truck delivery team personally delivers to clients 5 PM to 7 PM
  • Donations are always needed of seasonal appropriate clothing, shoe-ware and accessories


Foundation for the Homeless supports the homeless community by providing assistance in homeless prevention, rapid rehousing of homeless families, and a breakfast program to feed homeless persons.

Opportunities for Service:

WUMC provides volunteers for the Feed My People program on the first Tuesday of each month. This program is held at the annex building of First United Methodist Church and begins at 5:15 AM. if you would like to volunteer, you may do so by clicking here.


The mission of Women's Story Book Project of Texas is connecting children with their incarcerated moms through the joy of literature.

This literature project requires volunteers to travel to Texas female prisons to record incarcerated mothers as they read stories to their children. These recording provide a chance for children to hear their mother’s voice while they are away. Connecting the children and mothers helps provide a reason for the mothers to work hard not to return to prison.


JFON is a faith-driven ministry that welcomes immigrants into our communities by providing low-cost high-quality immigration and legal services, education and advocacy.

  • We believe in justice for all
  • We believe in respecting the human dignity of all people
  • We believe in generational change for our whole community.


Hunger Doesn’t Take a Summer Break Central Texas Food Bank brought 54 million meals to our community last year .

A leader in the fight against hunger for more than 40 years, our mission is to nourish hungry people and lead the community in the fight against hunger. We’re Here to Help!

Ways in which you can get involved:

Donate – 96% percent goes directly to Central Texas Food Bank programs

Volunteer - groups from WUMC volunteer at the Food Bank by working in the Warehouse, where they inspect, sort, clean box and prepare donations for distribution.

There are many, many different ways to volunteer – in the kitchen, at a Mobile Food Pantry, in the garden and more - – check out the Central Texas Food Bank website at:


Members of our church community have a passion for mission trips, both in the U.S. and abroad. We participate in several different kinds of mission trips, based upon the background, interests and schedules of our members.

Emergency Response

Mission teams from Westlake UMC go to areas that have experienced natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes and floods, to repair and restore homes and churches.

We also partner with other area churches in undertaking mission trips, to increase our effectiveness and deepen our friendships with other area Christians. We host several youth mission trips a year which offer great ways for youth to broaden their experience and engage in constructive change and community service, while having fun with their friends.


More Ways to Serve

WUMC 5 Who Care Honorees

Each year, KVUE-TV in Austin seeks nominations from their viewing area for 5 adults and 5 kids who have shown that they care through their volunteer efforts. The winners are interviewed, and their video is shown at the awards ceremony and on the evening news. Westlake UMC has been blessed with several members receiving this award. Octavia Smith, Mary Lou and Bob Batlan (2007), Gerard van de Werken (2010), Peggy and Robert Davis (2016), David Graham (2019), Ann Finch (2022), and Tom Rioux (2023) received the Five Who Care Award and Luke Arney (2017) received the Five Kids Who Care Award.

Tom Rioux

Ann Finch

David Grahm

Robert & Peggy Davis

Gerard Van De Werken

Bob & Mary Lou Batlan

Luke Arney

Click on the image or title to learn more about each of our Serivce Ministry Partners.