I was born and raised deep in the heart of the Bible belt in Charlotte, North Carolina in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. As a result, my introduction to Christianity was grounded squarely in a literal and inerrant understanding of scripture. I found it very confusing given the many contradictions found in scripture and given the conflicting (and sometimes scary) depictions of God. Despite this disconcerting introduction to faith and the fact that I only went to church when I happened to be at a grandparent’s house, I’ve been drawn to God for as long as I can remember.
As an adult, after a decades long search for a church that fit, I found my home in the United Methodist Church. When I learned how steeped in the theology of grace the founder of the denomination, John Wesley, was and when I learned that the UMC understands scripture to be the inspired word of God (not the literal and inerrant word of God) and when I learned about the Wesleyan Quadrilateral which holds scripture as sacred while taking into account Christian tradition, reason and personal experience when interpreting its meaning for our lives today…I knew I’d found my spiritual home. Don’t get me wrong, the UMC is not perfect, but it does an incredible job of allowing space for deep theological questions and differences while remaining in connection with God and a vital community that believes in a faith expressed in acts of justice and mercy.
I was so captured by the UMC’s understanding of and expression of faith that, with the support of my amazing husband, James and my two smart and sassy daughters, Michaela and Zaye, we went to seminary and I eventually became an ordained pastor and have now served in full-time ministry in the local church since 2011.
I love my church! And I hope you’ll come check us out and find your heart captured by a grace that allows you to explore faith and grow in authentic relationship with God that inspires you to live a life that is rich and full and steeped in purpose and love.
P.S. I’m also a closet Star Trek fan, love all things Harry Potter, have two lazy fat cats, force myself to run 2-3 times a week, and love to re-watch episodes of Merlin on Netflix with my family while eating pizza and chocolate ice cream.