Ministry Group Directory

We wanted to let you know that there are a number of ways to stay connected with Children, Youth, and Adult Ministries groups and classes in online forums here at Westlake UMC. Check out the online meetup schedule below and contact the group representative directly to get plugged in.


Catalyst Conversations

  • Our church wide summer Sunday school offering for adults! Every week we will have a different speaker who will provide us a "catalyst" to growing in our understanding and actions out in the world. Come every week or drop in as often as you are in town. Hosted by the Open Hearts Sunday School class.
  • Sundays June 9th through August 11th 9:45am
  • In-Person: Wyatt Hall
  • Zoom access using this Meeting ID: 823 2261 6018 & Passcode: 554038
  • Contact: Adult Ministries Chair Diane Kofahl (

Open Hearts Class - Hosting Catalyst Conversations over the summer

Fellowship Class

  • A teacher-led video/discussion series blending scripture, history, & practical application of principles (Hybrid: In-Person & Online)
  • Sundays 9:45am
  • In-Person: Library
  • Zoom: Meeting ID: 925 904 712 & Passcode: 78746
  • Contact: Pete Morford (

Preston Wyatt Bible Studies Class

  • Small group discussion of short scripture topics. We use Methodist study materials with a contemporary perspective (Hybrid: In-Person & Online)
  • Sundays 9:45am
  • In-Person: Room 403
  • Zoom: Meeting ID: 734 2721 6651 & Passcode: fellowship
  • Contact: Bill Games (

Family Foundations Class - On Hiatus over the summer to join Catalyst Conversations

  • A supportive space where individuals within the mid-life stages can nurture and explore their faith, while simultaneously learning from and supporting one another.
  • Sundays 9:45am
  • In-Person: Room 402
  • Zoom:
  • Contact: Diane Kofahl (


Band of Brothers – a men’s group, Tuesdays, 7:30–9:00 am in the Church Library & on Zoom: Meeting ID: 863 8736 1944 & Passcode: 959885

Heart to Heart Women’s Bible Study – a spiritual discussion group for women, Thursdays at 1:30 pm via Zoom and in person in the Church Library: Meeting ID: 838 0687 2010 & Passcode: 711879

Hope – This group supports moms who have lost a child to addiction with a place to share your story in a loving, faith-based group. Meets the 2nd Thursday of each month, 6:30 – 8:30 pm in The Library

WUMC Men’s Emmaus Reunion Group – a group of men who have completed The Walk to Emmaus, Thursdays, 8:00–9:00 am in the Church Library & on Zoom: Meeting ID: 839 0658 9435 & Passcode: 170404


Children’s Ministry Sunday School [Ashley Mangold]: Sundays at 9:45am

This summer, children are invited to come to the nursery, where they can enjoy their own fellowship through play, both inside and outside, during the hour.

Youth Ministry Sunday School [Ashley Mangold]: Sundays at 9:45am

Youth are encouraged to join and grow in any of the adult Sunday School classes over the summer!


Chancel Choir – we rehearse on Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:30pm in the Worship Center and sing on Sundays at 11:00am.

Sanctuary Handbells – we rehearse on Wednesday evenings in the Music Room from 5:45-6:45pm

Foundation Band – we rehearse on Tuesday evenings at 6:30-8:00pm in the Worship Center and help lead worship in the Contemporary Worship Service each week (The band features guitars, keyboard, drums, cello, and vocals.)